
Article in “PROTO THEMA” newspaper

The “PROTO THEMA” newspaper published an article about our company, evoclean, in its Sunday edition of May 12th 2013 ! To read it, please click on the following link :


Proto Thema article about our company

The “PROTO THEMA” newspaper uploaded an article about our company, evoclean, on its website !  To read it, please click on the following link :

Cooperation with “PROTO THEMA” newspaper

Evoclean is happy to announce its newest cooperation with “PROTO THEMA” newspaper, starting 15/02/2013.

Our company has been assigned to handle the daily cleaning maintenance of the newspaper’s office areas, in their new building establishment (a total of 4.500μ2) on 4, Agrafon & Patmou Str., Nea Filothei.